Asked by reporters whether he ruled out drowning because there had not been enough water in the singer's lungs, as was earlier reported, he said: 'That did not come from us. It's too early to say. The autopsy was done yesterday and there still is additional testing that is ongoing.
'You can look at a body and not know what the cause of death is. You might have a suspicion that person could have suffered a heart attack or something.
'No matter what medications they're taking, until we run a (toxicology test) and see the level and what's in the system, we're not going to speculate.'
Law enforcement sources said it is possible the singer suffered a heart attack as a result of the cocktail of drugs she had taken.
It took nearly three months for the coroner to officially rule on Michael Jackson's death which was eventually determined to be from 'acute propofol intoxication' and two other drugs.
Whitney Houston's body was released to her family today. Her funeral will be held in Newark, New Jersey, later this week, NBC New York reported, possibly on Friday.
Her body will be flown there later today on a jet and taken to Whigham Funeral Home. The jet is allegedly chartered by Tyler Perry, though this has not been confirmed.
Sources tell TMZ the actor rushed to the LA hospital Whitney was taken on Saturday as soon as he heard about her death, and immediately offered up his private plane to the family.
Houston was born in Newark and raised in East Orange. She got her start as a singer in the choir at New Hope Baptist Church in Newark.
Mourners have been flocking to the church since her death, with local Shawn Cooper saying yesterday: 'The Houston family means a lot to this community, they have done a lot for this community, and being there for them is the best thing we can do as a community today.'