TMZ reported that some of the prescriptions were filled out at the infamous Mickey Fine pharmacy, which was raided in 2009 by the DEA for evidence of 'improper dispensing of controlled substances', in connection with the death of Michael Jackson.
These reports have yet to be confirmed.
One of the drugs Jackson was said to have received from there was the highly addictive Demerol - one of the drugs which was alleged to have contributed to his death - and that agents believe the Beverly Hill's pharmacy may have refilled prescriptions without a doctor's authorisation.
Mickey Fine's is thought to have been the go-to pharmacy for both singers who are believed to have spent thousands of dollars there. According to TMZ, Mickey Fine also sued Jackson in 2007 for non-payment of a bill of more than $100,000.
Some of the prescriptions found in the crack cocaine user's hotel room were reportedly issued in 2011, but some were believed to have been more recent.
The amoxicillin was recently prescribed to Houston for a sore throat, sources told TMZ. A coroner ruled today that it was impossible to ascertain the exact cause of the singer's death but ruled out foul play.
Her family was allegedly told by Los Angeles County Coroner officials there was not enough water in her lungs to conclude she had drowned in her luxury hotel bathtub and in fact died before her head went under water, said gossip website TMZ.
Many sources say her death was a result of drugs but are not ruling out natural causes. Los Angeles assistant chief coroner Ed Winter refused to go into details and said toxicology reports will not be available for several weeks, making it impossible to pinpoint the exact cause of death.
He confirmed to ABC that officials found prescription bottles, but said there wasn't anything 'alarming' or 'out of the ordinary' about them. Though there were reports she had drowned, or overdosed, he said they won’t make a final determination until 'all the tests are in'.
He said: 'I had a conversation with the family at the hotel and at no time did I discuss prescription meds or the drowning issue. 'I don't know if the detectives discussed that with the family, but no, we have not released any information like that.'