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Tragic Pictures Inside Hotel Bathroom Where Whitney Houston's Body Found - 14/02/2012, 11:16 WIB - Tragic pictures released of the hotel room in which Whitney Houston died show remnants of her final meal - a hamburger, fries and a turkey sandwich - which she is said to have eaten in the bathroom right before she died.

The pictures also show the star was drinking champagne and beer shortly before her death and it is suggested the lethal combination of alcohol with prescription drug Xanax - which was also found at the scene - could have been the cause of her death.

A tray can be seen on the floor of the bathroom which is said to have contained the turkey sandwich and jalapeños. A Gilette razor, glass of water and items of clothing are also strewn on the floor.

Family sources told TMZ Whitney ate the burger and fries in the hotel suite before taking the turkey sandwich and jalapeños into the bathroom where she planned on eating them after her bath.

Coroners have still not ruled a cause of death but there are fears she may have died - perhaps from a mixture of drugs - before she became submerged in the bath where her body was found.

President Obama today said his thoughts and prayers were with Whitney Houston's family, especially her daughter. Press secretary Jay Carney spoke on behalf of the White House, saying the president said it was hard not to be an admirer of the singer's 'immense talent'.

He added that it is a tragedy to lose somebody so talented at such a young age.

The body of the singer, 48, was found in a bathtub at her suite in the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel on Saturday, surrounded by different bottles of prescription pills including ibuprofen - a painkiller, Xanax - an anti-anxiety drug, Midol - for menstrual cramps, amoxicillin - for bacterial infections and several others.

The British newspaper The Sun reported that Houston's doctors now face questions over whether she obtained the drugs illegally. County coroners will request copies of the late singer's medical records and will compare them with prescription bottles found in the hotel room, a source told the paper.

If anyone gave Houston the drugs illegally, they could be charged. '[Authorities] need to determine that no one is criminally negligent. There still could be charges in this case,' the source said.

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